• ක්‍රීඩා සංවර්ධන දෙපාර්තමේන්තුව

  • விளையாட்டு அபிவிருத்தி திணைக்களம்
  • Department of Sports Development

Kreeda Shakthi Program

The prime objective of this program is to select gifted sportsmen and sportswomen between 15-20 years of age at district level and providing formal scientific training and creating a viable background with a view to building up competent sportsmen and sportswomen to win the world by providing necessary fundamental facilities, instructions , knowledge and skills for sports coaches.

The sportsmen and sports women who participate in this program are provided with a Nutrition allowance of Rs.1500/- and Sportsmen and Sport women in Sports Pool are provided with a Nutrition allowance of Rs. 2500/- and in addition to this all the sportsmen and sportswomen are provided with set of clothes, shoes and caps.

In addition, national level Coaches who joined this program are paid a monthly allowance of Rs.5000/- and for Assistant Coaches Rs.2500/- and for Provincial Coaches Rs. 2000/- and Private Coaches Rs.1000/-